Screen Capture Credential Theft - AVD & W365 TD

The video "Screen Capture Credential Theft - AVD & W365" explains the dangers of screen capture credential theft and the robust defenses provided by SentryBay's Armored Client. Understanding screen capture credential theft is essential for safeguarding your data effectively. Watch the video to see these security solutions in action and contact KyndL Corporation to enhance your organization's cybersecurity measures.

Screen Capture Credential Theft - AVD & W365 TD published by KyndL Corporation

KyndL Corporation provides complete Information Technology solutions and support to small and mid-sized companies.  With over 100 clients we support a company in your industry: Legal, Dental, Real Estate, Financial Services, Manufacturing, Engineering, Accounting, Construction and many others.

KyndL’s Services enable our clients to focus on growing their businesses not on managing the technology that
is needed to keep them running. Our products and services are reliable, scalable and affordable.